Connect the Dots Activity Coloring Page
Nursery Rhyme Dot-to-Dot Pages - Prince Charming
"Dot-to-Dot" (sometimes called connect the dots) coloring activity pages can be a fun and educational experience to
help teach kids how to identify and associate shapes and colors with objects.
This dot-to-dot coloring activity page sheet shows a Fairy Tale scene of "Prince Charming" suitable to either Snow White or Cinderella.
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Dot to Dot coloring pages are a fun and educational activity that beginning students use to learn about shapes, coloring and object recognition.
Generally, the "connect the dots" pictures are marked with numbers (or letters) in areas of the drawing such that the student draws-in a connecting line
according to the progressive numbers shown on the page. Dot to dot pictures are a combination of a puzzle and a hidden object type of activity page.