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Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer Coloring Pages

Rudolph's nose would glow bright

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a fictional reindeer with a glowing red nose. In story and song, he is depicted as "Santa's 9th Reindeer", as the lead reindeer pulling Santa's sleigh on Christmas Eve. The luminosity of his "shiney nose" is so great that it illuminates the reindeer's path through inclement winter weather.

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Rudolph Reindeer Coloring Sheet - Rudolph's nose would glow

The story first appeared in a 1939 booklet and has been adapted in numerous forms including a popular song, a television special and sequels, and a feature film and sequel. The character of Rudolph builds upon popular folk-lore story / poem of "The night Before Christmas". In many countries, Rudolph has become a figure of Christmas folklore.


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 Rudolph's nose would glow - Rudolph Reindeer Coloring Sheet